Project Live

Artist Case study: Dani Matty

Photo credit JAI JOSHI

Dani Matty is a singer and songwriter who was part of our Project Live Summer Programme in 2024.

Dani has been immersed in music since the age of 5 when she first started writing song lyrics, and creating melodies in her head. At 14 she started to learn to play the guitar and add lyrics to chords, and in her early twenties she went to college for music and discovered the beauty of music production.

During college, Dani went to an open mic night at The SoundHouse where she was told about an amazing opportunity for undiscovered artists called Project Live.

‘I was very interested in the opportunity as I have always wanted a band to play my own songs without me having to pick up the guitar. I feel it stops me from performing the way I want to, and I also believe that a band can really bring the songs to life’.

Unfortunately, around this time Covid hit and she had to step away from music temporarily.

Dani lost all motivation for her music, until she received a message from a past tutor who informed her that project live was starting back up again, and wanted to know if she was interested in taking part.

So, Dani applied for project live and was successful for our summer round in 2024.

‘I’m forever grateful that Lee (college tutor and fellow band member) told me about this opportunity as it helped me get back into songwriting and ultimately, I fell back into performing again’.

Throughout the project, Dani worked with a live band to create renditions of her original music. She really enjoyed performing, practicing and learning more about music, as well as receiving new insights and knowledge into the industry, from our music masterclasses.

This project also gave Dani the opportunity to meet like-minded people and receive new performance experiences.

‘Thank you Cheska and 2Funky for every opportunity. You’ve given me a vast number of stages to perform on and I’ve loved it. The best ones so far are Riverside Festival and Leicester Bonfire Night.’

Dani has always struggled to perform and believe in herself but project live has immensely increased her confidence, thanks to the support from everyone involved in the project, especially Musical Director Lisa Millett.

One of the biggest things that Dani has learnt from Project Live, is that she needs to relax more.  She discovered that the pressure she puts herself under takes a toll on her body and affects her ability to perform.

‘Music should be about having fun and I thank Lisa big time for teaching me that!’

Music is something that Dani is extremely passionate about and despite the project being over, she plans to continue her journey through producing, writing and performing her music.

‘I want to connect with as many people who love music as much as I do, and just enjoy the journey and trust the process.’

To keep up to date with Dani Matty’s music journey and hear about new music, follow her on Instagram.